Polycrisis Video Text



What is the Polycrisis?

Our current era seems to be defined by an unfolding set of interconnected crises. Financial, cost-of-living, housing, mental health, climate.

This era of overlapping and simultaneous crises that is being referred to more and more

as ‘polycrisis’ is increasingly unpredictable with no end in sight.

How do we address this?

Many accounts of polycrisis engage with the idea as a set of interconnected challenges associated with the forming of existential risks… threats to the global collapse of society or humanity.

These accounts usually seek innovative social, political and technical solutions.

This network instead seeks to rethink the world through polycrisis and to ask what living in an era of multiple, overlapping crises means for how we conduct research across disciplines and methods.

Our aim is to rethink the conditions of how crises emerge, their effects and their possibilities.

Polycrisis Network

A transdisciplinary community researching (in) a world of interconnected crises

Join us for the launch. 26th February - University House - 3:30pm